Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Insomniac Thoughts

Sleep by Poets of the Fall on Grooveshark 

Dreaming With A Broken Heart by John Mayer on Grooveshark

"Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles"

8 hours a day is said to be the ideal sleeping time for a human but i wonder, how many people across the globe actually achieve that? In school? maybe, but after that, at college, 8 hours is a luxury.

There was this particular night, i was unable to sleep practically all night, But there were a few things i ended up pondering about, mostly because of a few recent movies i'd seen. And that got me thinking about sleep.
So a little reading later i figured out that REM sleep is by far the best thing in human evolution, thats the stage in which we dream, and the reason its that good is because it satisfies youre desires without them ever getting satisfied in real life.

So, My next question, is that good for human evolution? If the person's wishes are granted in his sleep, why does man want to wake up and work, is it because he wants to work or because he wishes to improve on his dream?
Is dreaming simply a means of projecting the ideas of man using senses for better visualization so that it can be improved on later? If that is the case, is dreaming actually a part of conscious thought?

I wonder... perhaps i can dream up an explanation sometime. Brings a whole new meaning to 'I'll sleep on it' .

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Microsoft Windows 8 - A review

Heya folks, first off, i'd like to apologize for the long gap, but i've been keeping busy this last month, and you can expect a whole lot of posts trying to sum up the experiences.

Anyway, Back to the subject of this post, As a student of BITS, we all get a licensed version of windows 8 free ( :D ) and earlier than the official release. So, I installed on my laptop and this is a summary of my experiences with it.

Laptop Specs:
processor - i7 2670QM
Ram - 8GB
Graphic card - Dedicated Nvidia GT540M 2GB

The first time i booted up windows 8, i was a little confused by the layout and had trouble finding my way around. It Basically has a start menu which occupies the whole screen and offers an entirely new way of interacting with the computer. The live tiles allow quick access to most regularly used applications.

Another important difference is that while the main UI is the same as that of windows 7, the Modern UI ( The start menu ) is meant more for touch devices , and allocates more importance to the mouse, specifically the right mouse button ( which is for the most part ignored in windows 7 ) is used a lot to navigate around.
The corners of the screen are used for navigating the UI and once you get used to it, it seems almost intutive that this is how a  UI is to be navigated. ( The start button is removed and the lower left corner takes it's role )

The fact that all drivers and applications designed for windows 7 seem to work on windows 8 makes this upgrade less of a hassle and a natural upgrade. The battery life remained almost consistent with a slight increase after shifting to windows 8.

But despite all that, the OS is a mixture of two entirely different ecosystems and the continuous shifting between the two isnt the most pleasant and the fact that there is a lot to learnt to learn before shifting entirely from windows 7 to 8 might be a putoff for a many.

All in all, i'd recommend an upgrade since even though its a chore to learn the nuances of windows 8, it makes sense once you start using it and the look of the modern UI more than makes up  for the trouble.

Language and the internet

Language evolves. The pace of the evolution is dependent on the frequency of its use. For much of its history, the written word has followed...