Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trip Down Philosophy Lane

On the road again - Canned heat
Further up on the road - Eric Clapton

On The Road Again by Canned Heat on Grooveshark
Further On Up The Road by Eric Clapton on Grooveshark
Im on my way to my grandparent's house after a really long time in a car with my relatives and i realize something, Road Trip's are fun! especially when in a car with fast beat songs playing loudly while cruising along an empty scenic highway.
Its not just the relaxation that's impressive, its also the new perspective you gain and the fact that there's finally enough time to think about things which are usually pushed aside in the madness of daily routine

One such thing that i was thinking of today when my relative's were talking about an approaching Hindu festival, Vinayak Chathurthi, faith, and im not talking about religious faith.The artisans
spend an year's worth of time, effort and money into making idols of the Hindu god Ganesh hoping that they will be sold out and that at the end of the day they will make a profit that can sustain them for another year.This got me thinking about how important faith truly is, and had me wondering for the next half an hour about a world with no faith.A world in chaos with no one willing to trust anything , with no concept of a currency and no government since every one of them requires faith in either an ideology or a person and frankly, all i could think of was anarchy.
And ever so slightly, i see the reasons for religion to exist as a concept.

Language and the internet

Language evolves. The pace of the evolution is dependent on the frequency of its use. For much of its history, the written word has followed...