Friday, September 13, 2013

Musings of a stargazer

The night skies, vast in its size, magnificent in its vastness, haunting in its magnificence is a sight that sends people into a trance to learn as much as they can about it and has been doing so since ages untold. The mysteries and stories of the stars transcend all boundaries and unite the sentient across the entire planet, across ages and for all we know, across galaxies. Its influence on mankind far exceed the technological advances made to try to unravel its mystery, it provokes us to think on a far more basal and philosophical note than most other stimuli.

As i gaze into the far reaches of space lying on the lawns in front of a temple, looking at the stars blinking at me and wondering at the message they wish to convey. I wonder how many people have looked up at this very same sky in search of answers, filled with hopes or in desperation. The sky is filled with patterns of stars, not constellations, but ones made by my own mind searching for sense among them. Everyday worries and thoughts ebb away from my conscience and a sense of calm and contemplation take their place. The actions of one person in this vast universe among billions of other people on a rocky planet far out in space seem inconsequential and meager at the sight of the majesty that surrounds us.

Thoughts race through my head about all the theories that try to explain this view that i see, with a big bang and with dark energy causing expansion of the universe and dark matter trying to slow it down, with ravenous black holes at the centers of galaxies trying to feast on all matter in their reach, of so many attempts made by man to explain the vastness of creation and to try to find meaning within it, to feel significant among a billion billion other stars.
This is the sight that has propelled several thousand people out of their closed, sheltered lives out into the open and into greatness. That has goaded people to try to be more than what they were. This promise of something bigger and grander right around the edge if you just look heard enough is what has driven human civilization forward.  

Despite all the efforts put in by all these people over eons, the mysteries of these skies have never been completely unraveled and if you ask me never should be. It is the sight of a mystery and the thirst to solve it that drives a man. To marvel and revel in the sight of magnificence, to ponder over the unnatural and to explain the inexplicable is what makes us what we are. To attempt to be of significance in an insignificant world is what makes us human.

Language and the internet

Language evolves. The pace of the evolution is dependent on the frequency of its use. For much of its history, the written word has followed...