Friday, October 4, 2013

Hypocrisy, Learned?

Its the Exam season again,

"Three students walk towards the mess discussing something about their exam the next day.

As they walk towards the mess, they run into a group of four friends who see them discussing the subject,
mock them, call them nerds and then walk towards the hostel.

The three students wonder what they did wrong, then ignore the interruption and get back to their discussion.

The four students get back to the hostel, make fun of their upcoming exam, call the education system and exams pointless, claim they'll get a pass grade without studying, split up and go back to their rooms, close the door and study"

"A student walks into a room where a group of his friends are studying, he asks, " Do you mind if i join you guys?"

A receives cold hard stares "No, you waste too much time discussing random stuff."

He walks back to his room and studies while everyone in the room keep discussing how disturbing and inconsiderate people are for the next hour before they break for dinner "

"Two friends meet during lunch a few hours before the exam,

One friend asks the other,
 "Hey, how much of your preparation's done?"
"Not much, have most of the later part left,you?"
"I'm done with just the first half, i hope that'll be enough"

The first friend goes back relieved that he isn't the only one who's syllabus isn't completed.
The second friend goes back to revise the syllabus for the second time"

Its the exam season, the time of the year when everyone is competing with everyone else, the time when no one trusts anyone but themselves, the time when everyone shows their true colors and the hypocrisy of every student is out in the open. Is a system of Education that encourages this an "Education" system?

Language and the internet

Language evolves. The pace of the evolution is dependent on the frequency of its use. For much of its history, the written word has followed...