Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Sunset Limited - A Review

Recent movies all have a protagonist and an antagonist battling it out over plains and mountains, in rain and snow with modern technology at their beck and call, with the antagonist trying to end the world and the the protagonist trying to save it. It ends with the the world safe and the protagonist in the hands of his love.

This movie steps away from the norm, it relinquishes action, and instead fills it with substance. The movie is a debate between black and white. With themes varying from religion to death to existentialism to perception and the purpose of life. It is a philosophical movie which is not everyone's cup of tea.

Black represents the theological, religious force who tries to save White, the scientific, agnostic professor from committing suicide.The entire movie is a one act play and takes place in the setting of a room in the downtrodden parts of the city and is a debate between Black and White. The movie progresses slowly from theme to theme, employing humor and domestic activities to indicate transitions. Each conversation can be taken independently or as part of the whole. It also tantalizingly hints at the happening of something paranormal that has lead to this conversation.

The narration of the movie is such that the audience is forced into the thinking the pros and cons of each argument made and comparing it with the values they hold. This is especially true when the movie steps into the high momentum discussion on existentialism. This slow paced movie ensures that there is always a gap after a high intensity debate so that the implications sink in and these pauses prove very important since that allows the required time for contemplation. It leaves the viewers changed.

It is a must watch movie for anyone who is philosophically inclined and wants to watch a movie that stimulates them mentally instead of pumping adrenalin. For my comments on the content of the movie, please keep reading

 --- Spoiler Alert ---

The two opposing perceptions of the world colliding show you the the truth of the world we live in and the hypocrisy that exists.

"White :  I still don't see how you can live here.
             Why not go someplace where you
             can do the world some good?
Black :  As opposed to someplace
             where good is needed?"

It also contrasts believers with the non believers and shows the daunting task that non believers face

"Black : Belief ain't like unbelief. If you're a believer and you finally got to come to the well of belief itself,
then you ain't got to look no further. There ain't no further. But the unbeliever's got a problem. He's set out
to unravel the world. For everything he can point to that ain't true, he leaves two things laying there."

While I think that scientific community is trying to answer every question it can, it is also true that there is no end to questions that can be asked and belief steps in irrespective of whether we want it to or not at such times. A lack of belief is a lack of hope and without hope, there is no reason to sustain yourself on a lump of rock in space.

The movies progress into the realm of existentialism is marked and once it starts, the momentum builds up to blinding proportions, as White tries to build on you the fact that our existence on this planet is insignificant and while Black argues against.

"“You give up the world line by line. Stoically. And then one day you realize that your courage is farcical. It doesn't mean anything. You've become an accomplice in your own annihilation and there is nothing you can do about it. Everything you do closes a door somewhere ahead of you. And finally there is only one door left.”"

While I personally am not a fan of existentialism, the statements made in the movie impacted me enough to re-evaluate my stance  and made me think of the purpose of society. It makes the audience also rethink about everyone sidelined for the progress of society and whether it is worth it.  It has an impact similar to that of looking at the stars.

Language and the internet

Language evolves. The pace of the evolution is dependent on the frequency of its use. For much of its history, the written word has followed...